Monday, June 8, 2009

Things I never thought I'd do...

Number one: Yell the word "boat" over and over and over for 45 minutes at the end of a six hour car trip. But I did it. For some reason, that was the only thing that kept my 21 month old baby boy from wailing at the top of his lungs. I have a strange kid. Oh, for the record, this game started when I pointed out a boat being pulled by a trailer on the 401, I didn't just develop road trip-induced tourettes.

Anyways, it was an interesting ending to a great weekend. As I mentioned, I travelled home to Ayr this past weekend to attend my parents' 40th wedding anniversary festivities. It was a great day filled with lots of laughs. It always cracks me up watching my parents and all their friends get together. The stories they rattle off are just plain bonkers. Without fail there's mention of Ol' Jimmy drivin' his '56 Ford Flooperdoodle (???) into the pond and crazy ol' Bobby Joe stealing the mascot from the local diner. Ahhh, the memories.

Somehow I don't think those are the types of stories that we're going to be telling in 40 years. I'm pretty sure in my stories, ol "Bobby Joe" would more than likely be dunking a naked "Ol' Jimmy" into a large downtown water fountain...or something like that.

But, I digress.

I had a pretty good weekend, eating-wise. I managed to stay "on-points" Friday and Sunday. Yay me. Saturday, I used a few of the trusty ol' flex points to enjoy a piece of the giant Costco carrot cake that practically forced my mouth open and stuffed itself inside. Mmmm, so worth it.

I didn't get much exercise in but on Saturday I did chase Jack around for about 5 hours straight, so that has to count for something.

Anyways, I'm just back from my Monday workout and am definitely looking forward to weigh-in on Thursday. I'm still hoping for a 3.5lb loss this week so cross your fingers for me!!

Alright, I'm off to watch my boyfriend, Aaron Hill, play some ball, so until next time remember: I rock a mic like a vandal.


1 comment:

  1. Ol' Jimmy? More like Ol' Courtney...nice try though. I thought maybe you were singing "I'm on a boat" to Jack...but that would have been a bit weird.
    Great entries, oh so amusing as always!
