Friday, April 9, 2010

So, turns out I am still alive....

Wow. Quel surprise, I'm back and not skinny. I just spent the last 20 minutes reading over all my blogs from last year. Man, do I know myself well or what. I pretty much met every "expectation" I had planned to. I dropped out of weight watchers, totally gave up on eating any semblance of healthy food, AND I stopped blogging. I need to go into politics. I'd be good @ it, I think.

Anyways, let's look on the bright side here and pat myself on the back for returning to le blog. I enjoyed blogging and can't remember why I stopped, but i'd like to get back into it, dawg!

Lots has happened since I last wrote here, and I'm not going to talk about any of it!

I'm rejoining weight watchers next week. Size 14 is not for me. Let's just hope it agrees. I'm going to be spending the next little while searching for my lost motivation. I know it's around somewhere....maybe in one of the boxes I haven't unpacked yet at my new place. Meh. I'll find it! And when I do......look out.

OK. This is my "get over the hump blog". It's not funny, or particularly interesting but hey, it's something. It's a moral victory. Like when you run for five minutes on the treadmill and think you've actually accomplished exercise....suuuure,......I mean, you've gotten over the hump, for sure, and that's great, but in reality, you probably burnt the amount of calories contained in a cheerio.

Wow. Where the F did that come from? I gotta go.

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